

Ronin Pentest


Ronin Pentest is a cybersecurity consultancy. Me, the project was started in late 2019, and I was brought in for the web and graphic design. It’s a very big project.


Pivot Management Company

Design and Development

Pivot Management Company is a next-generation business consulting firm focused on delivering tangible results. More than just business management, we analyze your current business or startup to provide individual solutions to maximize your profits.


Hangme E-commerce

Design and Development

Hangme was started in early 2020 by me and friends of mine from RS Digital Ventures. The goal is to make e-commerce stores accessible to Cambodian businesses. I was the product designer, graphic designer, and front-end developer. My friends managed all the backend and engineering stuff.


Workout Checklist App

Design and Development

This web app was created for me to do an exercise routine. Figuring out how to build a web app is a huge help for me in learning Javascript, Typescript, Ionic framework, and some other web technologies.


Cattie Outfit


Cattie Outfit is an online clothes retailer based in Phnom Penh, and ships countrywide in Cambodia. It’s a small business run by me and my partner.


Colors Picker | based on old Googles old guideline

Design and Development

The colors picker is a personal project to help me find and copy color codes faster. It’s based on the old Google material guideline colors. I just made it click to copy the color.


Meta donation app prototype

Design and Development

Meta was an app prototype for donations. Users can donate to various charities using multiple payment solutions and collect the badges.


Custom Startpage for Web Browser

Design and Development

Inspired by the folks from r/startpage and r/unixporn I decided to make this project. I really help me to open link faster when I launch my web browser.

broke lol

need designs?

send me a message, I reply fast (wink wink). let’s have a chat.