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Cattie Outfit

By Vannrith V. Discontinued 2019 - 2020

Cattie Outfit is an online clothes retailer based in Phnom Penh, and ships countrywide in Cambodia. It’s a small business run by me and my partner.


We are looking at the working class women, we try to make the products affordable enough, yet the style is very new. Our logo and marketing materials reflect that.


Cattie Outfit We launch our catalog website in mid-2022, the goal is to make our store more visible from other sources other than Facebook and Instagram, customer also can see what’s available on the fly instead of messaging us.

This project was done using WordPress and WooCommerce, the web design part was hugely helped by Quberly Pro, it made things faster and easier to develop.

There are also some maintenance parts like web hosting, email, other integrations, and getting the WooCommerce mobile app to work properly for us.

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