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Ronin Pentest Design Project

By Vannrith V. Active 2019 - Present

Ronin Pentest is a cybersecurity consultancy. Me, the project was started in late 2019, and I was brought in for the web and graphic design. It’s a very big project.

Ronin’s mission

Ronin website To demystify the process of security for businesses helping them to be both compliant and secure as possible from cyber attacks without having to spend a fortune.

My role

I mostly handle web design, front-end development, email template, branding, and some other graphic design. At first, we went with Bootstrap 5 for our CSS framework. But since then the project got even bigger and the changes from the marketing team got more and more complicated, so we decide to use Tailwind. It made the code even messier, but now we can change anything on the template very fast using its utility classes.

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