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Workout Checklist 2.0 Update

by Souris in updates


I've been working on the version 2.0 of the Workout Checklist app for the past two months, and it's finally here. The core concept remains the same—the app tells me what to do in each workout session. Here are the new features and improvements:

Better UI

I moved from a blue color to red, especially when the stopwatch is running. The goal is to make things intense and make me feel like it's burning. I still kept light and dark mode and it still responds to the device's theme mode.

Better stopwatch

Stopwatch and its buttons have been improved as well. When tapping on the stop button, it pauses the stopwatch and gives a useful confirmation screen. Now, we can tell if we're working out or pausing thanks to the bright theme color. I also moved the stopwatch to Pinia's store.

Added Core Workouts

Welcome to the new core workouts; now you can improve your core and abs without any equipment.

New Icon

The app icon is less lame than before.

Updated all dependencies

All the technology stacks have been updated to the latest version.

Future plan

I'd like to move to Firebase so I can store data and workout history. There's still a lot to learn and many improvements to be implemented.

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